> Resume

Adrian Mroczek

Senior Software Engineer

Skilled full-stack engineer with 6 years' experience. Proven success in delivering projects and collaborating with cross-functional teams. Expert in web applications, microservices, and event-driven architectures. Proficient in various languages, frameworks, and cloud platforms.

Perth, WA




Technical Skills

Programming Languages












C Sharp







Advanced Beginner



Libraries and Frameworks













Dotnet Core




Cloud Platforms









New Relic



Advanced Beginner

Container Platforms





Database Technologies












Senior Software Engineer


Perth, WA

IoT Domain Engineering

June 2022 - Present


Lead the Software and Solution Architecture, and development of a system underpinned by an Event-Driven Microservices Architecture. This design is pivotal in providing a reliable assurance auditing solution to enterprise and industrial customers of Telstra's 5G Slicing product. To facilitate seamless inter-service communication, we employ NATS Message Broker. Our architecture integrates NestJS for back-end operations, and BullMQ with Redis for efficient task scheduling. The system's resilience and scalability are further enhanced by utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for effective orchestration and containerization. Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes are streamlined through the use of ArgoCD and GitLab runners, ensuring agile and reliable software development cycles.

Contributed to Telstra's Dedicated Networks product by developing the frontend portal and backend microservices. This work enabled Industrial & Enterprise customers to manage and monitor private network performance of their 5G Slice.

Additionally, I played a key role in the development of the Telstra Datahub product, creating a unified platform for data aggregation, analysis, and controlled sharing with fine-grained permissions.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Successfully designed and implemented a scalable and reliable event-driven microservices system.
  • Successfully designed an implemented a scalable and robust relational database.
  • Successfully designed and implemented re-usable UI components and hooks using React and Typescript, contributing to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the Telstra Dedicated Networks front end portal.
  • Led the effort to upgrade the frontend portal to meet Accessibility standards, resulting in full compliance with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA.
  • Built scalable and robust API's and backend services using Node.Js, Express.Js, NestJS and RabbitMQ, ensuring seamless integration with the existing systems and delivering enhanced performance for the Telstra Dedicated Networks project.
  • Designed RESTful API specifications and implemented them and their CRUD operations.
  • Led frontend development, improving UI/UX for easier navigation and user experience.
  • Successfully designed and implemented front-end applications and features that seamlessly integrate with Azure services and backend services in the Kubernetes Cluster.
  • Designed and developed advanced platform features, API's, and SDK's using React, TypeScript, .NET/C#, Scala, GraphQL, and REST.
  • Created efficient and reusable Terraform modules for deploying Azure Cloud Services and resources, including Functions, Storage, Kubernetes, Event Hub, and VNETs.
  • Engineered secure Azure Functions in C#/.NET, incorporating Azure RBAC and AKS Pod Identities for enhanced security.
  • Implemented Ingress Clients in C#/.NET utilizing core SDK's to connect with various data sources, such as Azure Blob Storage, to pull and process data and flow it to the Event Hub for transformation.
  • Contributed to the maintenance and improvement of core SDK's used by Ingress Clients to process data into the Event Hub and flow it through the delta lake for transformation into XDS.

Software Engineer


Perth, WA

IoT Domain Engineering

July 2021 - June 2022


Working in the IoT Domain Engineering team developing Azure Cloud Applications and products for the IoT Software Solutions group, enabling businesses to utilize, visualize, analyse and share the data their IoT devices generate through Telstra's NB-IoT network on the Telstra Data Hub platform.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Delivered an application solution for Bureau of Meteorology into the Telstra Datahub Platform.
  • Delivered an application solution for Department of Regional Development Manufacturing and Water into the Telstra Datahub Platform.
  • Automated the deployment, provisioning and configuration of services and applications via Terraform and Kubernetes.
  • Delivered bespoke Authentication/Authorization Proxy solution for customers services that don't support OAuth2.0.
  • Developed frontend applications to meet the requirements of customers using the Telstra Datahub platform.
  • Improved security practices for Azure Services used in Telstra Datahub.
  • Developed a .NET service acting as an Ingress Client, periodically processing data from files stored in Azure Blob Storage, streaming the data to the bronze layer of our data lake.
  • Developed secure .NET Azure Functions, automating the infrastructure deployment via Terraform, and application deployment using Azure Pipelines and Releases.

Network Software Engineer


Perth, WA

Core Network Performance Observability

Jan 2020 - Jul 2021


Network Observability and Analytics are significant components of Telstra’s strategy to extend our network superiority in 4G and global leadership in 5G. As a member of a cross functional team using new ways of working (Agile, DevOps, Lean, Human Centred Design), I lead and contributed to the in-house software development of Neuron, a microservice web application. Neuron enhanced Telstra's network observability for the Converged Core, RAN, Transport and IPEdge networks and improved operational support of deployed and newly provisioned network elements.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Delivered a sophisticated microservice web application from initial development to Production deployment, used by over 200 internal employees for their day to day tasks.
  • Developed Neuron's Authentication and Authorization service to work with internal Identity Providers and flows outlined by the security team, e.g. SAML 2.0, MASSL, OAUTH 2.0.
  • Developed multiple backend Node.js services and REST API's using Express.js web framework.
  • Automated the provisioning of AWS services used for the architecture of Neuron with Terraform.
  • Configured Neuron's CI/CD pipeline utilising Bamboo and BitBucket from the Atlassian stack.
  • Developed a datasource connector service enabling the application to query data asynchronously from multiple datasources/databases.
  • Configured frontend and backend service performance tracking, monitoring and logging using New Relic, CloudWatch dashboards and alert escalation via PagerDuty.
  • Conducted multiple technical interviews to hiring successful candidates into Telstra's Innovation and Capability Centre (ICC) division, on-boarding them into my team for the complex Neuron project.
  • Mentored three Network Technology Graduates rotating through my team.

Software Engineer


Perth, WA

Core Service Application Development

Jan 2019 – Jan 2020


Led various aspects of planning, architecture decisions and development for a new Network Observability Platform consolidating a number of existing tools used for Network Performance Monitoring and Optimisation, primarily in the RAN space but also encompassing the Converged Core and parts of the Transport Network.

Skills: New Relic · Amazon Dynamodb · Redux.js · TypeScript · Java · React.js · Node.js · Amazon Web Services (AWS) · Docker · Terraform · Atlassian Bamboo · Front-end Development · MERN Stack · JavaScript · MongoDB · Amazon ECS · API Development · Back-End Web Development · AWS CloudFormation

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Successfully designed and developed various frontend features, including charting capabilities, fault diagnosis, data search and filtering, and form validation.
  • Successfully developed Authentication/Authorization backend microservice for SAML and OAUTH 2.0 strategies.
  • Successfully developed Database connector backend microservice for communication to various datasources.
  • Successfully developed, deployed and versioned many RESTful API's to Create, Read, Update and Delete data and resources from various datasources.
  • Implemented a continuous integration and delivery process by integrating Atlassian Bamboo.
  • Implemented the deployment and configuration of an AWS infrastructure using Terraform to support and scale the web application.
  • Resolved various Application, Database, Security and Connectivity issues in the AWS environment.
  • Directed the deployment and configuration of application monitoring utilizing NewRelic and CloudWatch dashboards.
  • Improved the development process by containerizing the application and microservices using Docker.
  • Implemented and configured various AWS services utilising Terraform.
  • Successfully automated the provisioning of Enterprise customer AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) network services using using Java and Springboot.
  • Conducted technical interviews to hire multiple Software Engineers joining Telstra's Innovation and Capability Centre (ICC) division, on-boarding them into my team for the complex Neuron project.
  • Onboarded and trained graduates who rotated through my team into various projects.

Network Technology Graduate


Melbourne, VIC

Optical Transport Engineering, Edge Network Engineering

Jan 2018 - Jan 2019


Accepted into Telstra’s Network Technology graduate program, working in the Internet Protocols & Transport Engineering business unit. During two 6 months rotations I worked in the Optical Transport Engineering and Edge Network Engineering teams delivering innovative projects and implementing next generation technologies, helping fulfil Telstra’s NE2020 vision.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Assisted in designing and physically building Telstra's DWDM Model and Pre-production Optical & Packet Networks using Ciena equipment. This enabled us to proactively implement and test new technologies, and develop network optimisation, resilience and redundancy strategies with live test traffic before rolling them out to Production.
  • Managed, deployed and configured network elements using Ciena's OneControl Unified Management System. Utilized OneControl to troubleshoot and resolve network issues in the Model and Production environment.
  • Implemented and tested Ciena's Blue Planet network orchestration platform to migrate away from OneControl.
  • Automated deployment of network, hardware and software configurations using Ansible and Python for Cisco and Juniper network elements.

System and Network Administrator

iQuest Consulting Pty Ltd

Perth, WA

Jan 2017 - Oct 2017


Contracted to work with a skilled, growing IT team providing fully managed IT services and support for 130+ clients across Australia. Tasked to provide L1 - L3 support, configuring and deploying network elements of various enterprise grade vendors, managed various Windows Server/Domain controller services like AADS, Exchange, DHCP and DNS hosted on-premise and in Azure.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Migrated customers from Windows Servers services hosted on-premise into Office 365 and Azure.
  • Identified and prevented DDoS attacks on client network by introducing firewall hardware into their network.
  • Build and deploy ESXi servers with ADDS, DCHP, DNS and DFS.
  • Automated the provisioning of customer devices using Microsoft Autopilot.

System and Network Administrator

Galati Group

Perth, WA

Dec 2015 - Dec 2016


Contracted through the Australian Computer Society scholarship program, I worked as part of a small motivated IT team, servicing and managing 23+ sites across 26 companies in Western Australia.

Accomplishments / Responsibilities
  • Administration and installation of 1,100 end-points.
  • Maintenance of 4 node Dell EqualLogic SAN cluster.
  • Maintenance of 12 host VMWare ESXi cluster.
  • Maintaining and deploying on-site enterprise servers and switches.
  • Provide support, troubleshooting and fault rectification of hardware and software logged through a ticket system.


Bachelor of Technology

Computer Systems and Networking

Perth, WA

Curtin University

2014 - 2017

Advanced Diploma

Civil & Structural Engineering

Perth, WA

Challenger TAFE

2010 - 2011


Civil & Structural Engineering

Perth, WA

Challenger TAFE

2009 - 2010

Honors & Awards

VisAbility Prize for Best Undergraduate Project

Field of Rehabilitation Engineering

Perth, WA

Curtin University

Apr 2018


I was awarded the VisAbility Prize for my final year project, creating a device that detects safety hazards for the vision impaired and the blind.

The device utilised Arduino microcontroller, LiDAR, gyrometer and other sensors and devices coupled with Time of Flight calculations to detect hazards and provide feedback.

Unearthed Digital Tribes Hardware Challenge

First Place Prize

Perth, WA

Unearthed & BHP

Jul 2017


Over two weeks i worked in a team competing against 12 other teams to produce a Distributed Safety Device that will increase safety for frontline personnel on BHP mine sites. Our team created a hardware and software solution with a front-end application, utilizing Raspberry Pi Zero's, Mesh Networking, GPS tracking, solar and other technologies.

After two weeks of hard work and tireless nights, our team was excited to pitch our prototype to a panel of judges and exhilarated to find out we placed first in the challenge.

ACS Foundation Scholarship


Perth, WA

Australian Computing Society Foundation



Awarded a scholarship and position as System and Network Administrator at Galati Group.